大阪市北区堂山町5-17 堂山数寄ビル
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営業時間 17:00〜21:00 土曜日 13:00〜21:00
定休日 日・月曜日
最寄駅 大阪メトロ東梅田駅 阪急大阪梅田駅 JR大阪駅
連絡先 06-7635-7883
WEB https://pad-gallery.com
大阪市北区堂山町5-17 堂山数寄ビル
→ Google Mapsで表示する
営業時間 17:00〜21:00 土曜日 13:00〜21:00
定休日 日・月曜日
最寄駅 大阪メトロ東梅田駅 阪急大阪梅田駅 JR大阪駅
連絡先 06-7635-7883
WEB https://pad-gallery.com
padGALLERY was founded in 2014 and is located in the center area of Osaka, the second largest city in Japan. The gallery is organized by a certain members of the veteran and emerging artists, holding each one’s solo exhibition and some special exhibitions every month.
padGALLERY’s aim is to make enough opportunities that more people can enjoy art in their daily lives. In addition to the regular exhibitions, we organize art-related events weekly in the gallery, such as live painting shows with music lives, parties with decoration by artists, and artist talks.
At the same time, our mission is to promote the belonging-artists’ works domestically and internationally. Not only participating in international exhibitions and art fairs, some artists often have their live painting tour outside Japan. One of the padGALLERY’s characteristics is its wide-ranging fields of speciality. The belonging artists are all professional for each genre; some of them are contemporary artists, others are live painters, photographers, cartoonists, and so on. We believe that this extensive speciality makes the gallery more powerful and attractive as a place where people can enjoy various and highly qualified art.
2022年 2月 1日(火)~ 2月12日(土)